Thursday, December 3, 2009

Moving into Our New Home

Well, it seems that after approximately 6 years the construction of the new house which is our new home is completed. Now, that means that we can live in the house and eat etc. in the house but it will probably not be finished-finished 100% for some more time. But we move in tomorrow if plans go accordingly...

Why are we moving in tomorrow, you might ask, when the house was ready since Wednesday? A curious question - but a good and fair one!

I met a neighbour and told him we were moving in on Wednesday. He asked would I not wait till Friday. Then all hell broke loose. I don't know why but the tradition is that Friday is the only day to move if you want to be blessed with good luck. Look HERE for a discussion of the topic. Far be it from me to challenge the traditions/superstitions of the learned heads of west Mayo.

Rather than draw attention of a negative sort to the move we decided to move on the Friday which is tomorrow. As a result we will have compromised internet access for some time so...

While I will try to post blogs I am not committing to it for some time - say a month - into the new year. But I might get to it (before that) too.

There you go. When in Rome..., When in the West of Ireland....